Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief

Support our Troops and Military Veterans

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:

Releasing the Grip of Physical and Emotional Trauma

"Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder is not an incurable, hopeless mental disorder. PTSD has been shown to have physical roots. I hope you will join us in the years to come as we seek to eliminate PTSD from the trauma equation."

Dr. John E. Upledger

The Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation's Veterans Therapy Program is a five-day multi-disciplinary treatment program held at the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Participants benefit from 20 hours of hands-on multiple-therapist sessions, four hours per day for five days, as well as supportive group sessions daily to facilitate each client's healing process.

To facilitate this 5-day therapy program it costs the Foundation $3,600.00 for each individual. We anticipate funding support for the majority of the cost. Not inclusive: travel, meals, lodging, and incidentals.

Scholarships may be available through the Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation.

Clients are required to be Veterans of the U.S. military and have a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Veteran Therapy Program Application - Veteran

Veteran Therapy Program Application - Therapist

Pre and Post testing may be completed in an effort to continue and build our ongoing study of CranioSacral Therapy and its effectiveness of treating military post-traumatic stress and symptoms such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain intensity, pain interference, and quality of life.

If you are interested in participating or would like more information on how you can help fund a Veteran through our program, fill out an application, e mail us at, or call us at 561-622-4706.

The Role of CranioSacral Therapy in Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Test results support CST as effective therapy to assist with:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Concussions
  • Combat Traumatic Stress
  • Panic attacks
  • Insomnia
  • Flash backs
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Hyper vigilance
  • Depression/suicidal thoughts
  • Guardedness
  • Behavioral isolation
  • Chronic anxiety
  • Chronic pain issues

Results reported by individuals:

  • Reduced physical pain and discomfort
  • Reduced pain attacks
  • Significant improvement in insomnia and return to normal sleep patterns
  • Alleviation of hyper vigilance and appropriate responses to the environment
  • Discontinuance of intrusive thoughts and flashbacks
  • Memories recalled without the negative charge
  • Willingness to participate in healthy activities
  • Depression and suicidal thoughts reduced and even eliminated
  • Reduction in need of psychotropic medications, and in some instances, discontinued over time
  • Return to clear mental functioning
  • Relationships with family and friends becoming meaningful again
  • End of social isolation and reconnection with community

History of Supporting Veterans

In 1993 The Upledger Foundation embarked on a pilot project to test the efficacy of CranioSacral Therapy and its offshoot SomatoEmotional ReleaseĀ® in treating and restoring the quality of life to those suffering from PTSD. Six Vietnam veterans classified with severe cases of PTSD were tested. By program's end, each showed significant improvement.

In a subsequent 1999 program, Dr. Upledger and a team of therapists led 22 Vietnam veterans in a groundbreaking study using a protocol co-designed with the West Palm Beach Veterans Administration Medical Center. A post-program report by an independent licensed psychologist confirmed that the veterans experienced fewer symptoms by the conclusion of the program, most notably related to obsessive/compulsive behaviors, depression, lack of motivation, feelings of alienation, and total number and severity of general symptoms. More than a 95 percent correlation was noted between the improvements and the CranioSacral Therapy sessions the veterans received.

PTSD Pre and Post Transformations 2016

Brian Sales

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Cliff Kirkhart

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Eric Lougheed

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Frank Selden

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Lonnie Williams

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Patricia McKeral

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Bernard Loeffke

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Brian Sessums

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Ray Nelson

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Karen Henderson

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Shelley Cline

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April Griffin

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Attention Practitioners

Are you passionate about treating sufferers of PTSD or know someone who would be of benefit from our program?

We are gathering names of those who want to participate in future UII Intensive Programs.

If you are Diplomate or Technique certified and interested in participating, Please fill out an application or e mail us at for more information about getting on the team. More details are also available at


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